Sunday Club Runs Continue

The web site reports show active participation of Acme Wheelers members in Open Events all over South Wales and beyond.  However, the Sunday Club Run is still favoured by members who are not quite so competitive.  The poor weather during the spring and early summer meant that small groups were involved in the Club Run, but with the gradual improvement in the weather conditions so numbers have begun to increase. 

Ever present since the Spring Kerry Lewis (on his new Pinarello) and Mark Nichols used these rides to train for the Velothon always accompanied by Mike Bevan who just enjoys putting miles in on his various bikes, one for each Sunday of the month.  Alec Morris (breaking in new hi-viz shoes) has been preoccupied with exams and has enjoyed the Club Runs at a time when he has been unable to commit to racing. 

Jeff Matthews is an irregular attendee but always enjoys the banter on the road and at the café stop.  Club Treasurer Dave Roberts is making a come back after a long period of injury but is now able to take advantage of the better weather.  “Acme Pensioner Chris T” generally joins the ride in Talbot Green to save the drag up to the Welcome and everyone has to stop to hear Chris’s latest anecdote about life in general. Occasionally Chris Clements has kept Chris company in Talbot while they both wait to join the ride.

The rides have varied in distance from 35 miles right up to longer rides of 60 miles but all have been punctuated by a café stop for refreshments and a chat. Most rides head south to take in stops at Cowbridge, Llantwit Major or Bridgend.  Distances have been dictated by the weather and commitments members have on the day.

Members who are looking for a casual ride or a break from racing could join the Club Run by being at the Welcome in Tonypandy ready to leave at 9:30am.  Ross Morgan has joined the ride, when his racing programme has given him some free time, to rest his weary legs.

A Rare 12 Hour Event

The RTTC National 12 Hr event took place on the R12/16 Course based on Raglan.  This also served as the WCA Championships and the Club Championship.  The weather forecast for the day was deteriorating but the lone Club entry Simon Kinsey was not worried as he felt others would dislike the conditions whereas he thrives on the poor weather.

Simon had set himself four personal targets of increasing ambition for this event:-

1.  To finish the event;

2.  To improve upon his 2014 result;

3.  To reach 200 miles;

4.  To grab the Acme Bronze Standard of 215mls;

When Simon sets himself targets he focuses all his efforts on their achievement.  Even Simon found the Hereford leg of the course mentally and physically challenging.  He knew it would slow him down and factored that into his race tactics.  As forecast the day started dry for Simon’s 6:30am start but later in the day the rain came in.  Simon’s determination paid off for him and he achieved a staggering 222.73 far exceeding his 2014 results and comfortably achieving the Club Bronze Standard and has the Silver Standard in his sights now.  He gave himself a 10/10 on how he felt about his effort, the first one of any Club member this season.

Simon enjoyed the new course and believes that the R12/95 will not be used again.  He urges those members with ambitions to complete a 12 Hr to consider this course for 2017.  Well Done Simon Kinsey the 2016 12 Hour Club Champion.

Fiona Takes to the Water

Earlier in the month Member Fiona Davies entered a middle Distance Triathlon based at the Cotswold Water Park. Being closed water in June the water temperature was quite pleasant at 20C for the 1.9k swim.  The downside of this was that the first bike lap of two was a bit cold and wet. The weather did warm up a little before the 80k bike ride finished.  This meant that Fiona had warmed up for the 21.1k run on a mix of trail and road.  Fiona’s target was to complete the bike ride in under 3hrs 30m and the whole event inside 6hrs30m.  This is a very well organised, family friendly,  event on a fast course with only one real hill on the bike ride.  Supported by husband, and Acme member, Gareth, Fiona was very happy with her race, finishing the bike ride in 3:26:26  giving her a total time of 6:28:47.

We look forward to seeing further reports from Fiona’s events, her next bike event being a 25m TT later in July.

A Rush to See the Football

On Saturday 25th Acme members were in the Neath Valley to ride the Bynea 10 on the R10/22 course.  Nadine Cannon was riding her favourite course and hoping to improve her race fitness.  The wind was a little unpredictable and Nadine was not sure which way it was coming from. Despite this Nadine was very happy with her time of 24:40 which meant that she was 1st Lady on the night.  Well Done.

The ever present Ross Morgan was also there but even with a time of 23:30 he was not happy with his ride. He described the wind as a head wind out and back.  Jeff Rees also complained about the wind and described it as being “in all directions”.  Jeff’s start time of 16:30 gave him 30 minutes to ride the event and get to the HQ to watch Wales v N.I. His target time of 24m was set with this in mind.  His eventual time of  23:36 gave him an extra 24 seconds to find his seat in front of the TV and the result was well worth the rush.  The Welsh result and Jeff’s Race result was a very well received birthday present for him.

Two Members Travel West

On Sunday 12th June members headed west to take on the longer challenge in the Bynea CC 50m TT.  Gary Flower benefited from the calm conditions, although it was raining.  Gary was intent on bettering his previous time on this 3 lap course of 2:02.  This was a tall order given that he would have to average 25mph to give him a sub-2 hour time. Keeping the pressure on himself to maintain the average Gary achieved his goal with a very impressive 1:57:01 and although clearly pleased with his effort, only gave himself a 6/10, so perhaps there is more to come. Next up for Gary is the West Wales Cycling League 100m.

Ross Morgan hoped to make his first start in a 50 at this event but unfortunately had a mechanical problem while warming up so a DNS for him.  There will be others Ross.