30 Mile Championship

The first of the ACME club Championships took place recently, a tough test over Thirty miles to compete for the D.J.JONES Trophy. This championship first competed for in 1950 and won by E.JONES with a very respectable time of 1.19.38 many years ago, a result which as been beaten numerous times since then.

For the 2017 championship only one member took up the challenge and after an impressive 2016 season where Gary Flower  received  awards for  various Championship Events.

ACME’s 30 Championship is incorporated into the Bynea CC event based around the undulating road of Llandovery where riders negotiate a testing route. Gary like many members admitted to be behind on his training schedule for this time of the year started the trial at a steady pace and  just hoping he could improve on last years’ time of 1:13:39.

Gary coped well once the miles started to roll by through narrow villages and avoiding slow moving farm traffic along the way. Approaching the finishing timekeeper he could see that he was going to beat last years’ time which was always going to be a personal challenge.

Back at the HQ his time was revealed, a 1.11.44 almost 2mins quicker than his 2016 time and 5th Overhaul in the event, a pleasing performance  and  will receive the 30m Champs Trophy for the first time.

Unknown to Gary at the time, this is a “New ACME Championship Record” beating  Kevin Bartlemore impressive time of 1.12.04 set in 2000.

Club 30 mile Championship History:- https://acme-wheelers.co.uk/club-champions/30-mile-trophy/

Two Members Enjoy Unusually Pleasant CX Weather

The “Dune ‘Cross” was the 3rd Round of the Welsh Cyclo-Cross League held at Pembrey on October 2nd.  This was the event selected for the Club Off-Road Championship for 2016.   Unfortunately only two Club members lined up at the start but the competition between them was no less keen.  The weather conditions were very different to the “normal” CX rain and cold, Pembrey was bathed in sunshine.

Each lap was about 1.25 miles with a start on a long tarmac section leading onto a sharp left turn over sand  followed by a section of twisting compact sand/gravel dirt tracks. After this more familiar CX terrain appeared with a short steep stepped run up section of about 20 yards, not too far but enough to force riders to to jump off and shoulder the bike in the traditional CX running fashion.  More twisty compact tracks led into another steep bank which would see riders having to dismount for the final 10 yards. Jumping back on the bike the riders finished the lap with a fast flowing, rutted descent into the main grassy start/finish area.

As a result of the large numbers entering the race had been spilt so that Vets had a separate race start to Seniors and Youth riders.  The Vets were then spilt up further, meaning that V50 Jeff Rees had to consider his tactics carefully because V40 Steve Davies would start 2 minutes in front of him.  Jeff saw Steve get off to a decent start and had to wait what seemed like an eternity for the 2 minute gap before he could start from the second row which kept him out of the initial gridlock.

After the first half lap the V50 began picking off the back end of the V40’s on the stepped run section.  Jeff felt that they it would not be too long before he was able to catch Steve.  Jeff  realised that Steve was having a good day as there was no sign of him after three laps.  Eventually Jeff spotted the distinctive Acme Jersey in front of him and made the junction on the fast tarmac section.  Trying to catch Steve off guard Jeff attacked but Steve latched onto his wheel as they weaved their way through the field.  Luckily, Jeff says skilfully, he was able to nip past the rider in front when there was not enough room for Steve to follow.  A big effort on the climb and a kamikaze descent saw him open a gap and “snap the elastic”  For Jeff it was then a matter of staying focussed and avoiding mistakes to claim the off road title.

In the end Jeff finished 6th of 32 V50’s and Steve a creditable 47th from 65 V40’s, a great achievement in only his second CX season.  Jeff ‘s result means that he is the Club Off-Road Champion for 2016.  Well done to him.

Simon Takes Prize at the WCA 100 Champs

The first weekend of September and it’s Abergavenny but this time the distance is much greater as members took on the WCA 100m Championship on the  R100/8 Course.  Ever present Simon Kinsey got off to and early start at 07:11 when most of us were still tucked up in bed.  For Simon the day started with a little drizzle but this soon cleared leaving just the wind to contend with.  The westerly wind was a help on the road out to Monmouth, but the return ride was made harder as the wind did not change.  Simon had a set of goals at this Championship, firstly he wanted to finish in order to have a BAR qualifying score.

Simon has very bad memories of a previous entry in this event in 2014.  That remains his PB for the distance but he was looking to wipe away the bad memories. Other goals were more “cycling” related, to reach the Acme Bronze Standard of 5:05:00 , to take 30 minutes off his PB and to win the “Best Improver” Prize.

What a day he had, beating his PB by 40 minutes as he paced things well “for a change” (Simon’s words).  This meant he achieved all his goals comfortably as he was awarded with the Best Improver over that past three years. Well done Simon.

Starting a little later in the day at 07:54 Gary Flower missed most of the drizzle but still had to contend with the wind.  Gary finished in 16th position overall from 53 finishers and his time of 4:07:41 was very impressive giving him an average speed of 24:22mph.  Gary’s efforts earn him the Club 100 Mile Champion, I hope he has plenty of silver polish.

Two Members Take ON WCA 50 Championship

On the 25th  September Acme members were involved in the second WCA Championships of the month.  It was back up to Raglan to ride the R50/1b Course for Simon Kinsey and Chris Woolley. .  The East/West nature of the course means that riders go from a tail wind to a head wind at each turn, and riders will be aware that there is never a calm day.  

Simon had already clinched the Club BAR Champion so this event was all about his personal goals, the main one being to “shave a few seconds off his PB”.  Knowing this course and area well Simon knew he needed to use the first lap to gauge the conditions and his own form.  Simon knew he could gain time on the first and third quarter but soon realised that he was not gaining the time which he would lose on the second and fourth quarter. In the end Simon missed his PB by 40s, posting a 2:13:35, in an honest assessment of he performance he realised the PB was not going to happen quite early on.  Nevertheless, Simon has had an excellent competitive season and deserves his off-season break before he starts his winter preparations for next year.

Even with a later start Chris Woolley still had to contend with the changes in wind direction at each turn.  Work and family commitments have limited Chris’s starts this season so he was determined to put in a good effort in the Championship event.  In the end Chris posted a 2:02:01 – 24.59mph.  This was a very good performance being only  2.47mins off his PB.  This result makes Chris  the Club 50 Mile Champion for 2016.

September is a Mix of Distances for Acme Racers

September got off to a wet and windy start at the Sportzmad 10 on the R10/17 Course between Abergavenny and Raglan.  Nadine Cannon was fortunate to have the first five miles dry but the rain and wind arrived for her return five.  Despite the unfavourable conditions Nadine posted a PB of 23:56.

Neale Lewis, with a later start, had to contend with the poor conditions in both directions.  His advice to members racing is to “pray to the sun god”.  In the end Neale posted a very respectable 23:23.

Taking no time off for a rest this month Nadine Cannon was again on the R10/17 Course to compete in the Cardiff 100   10m TT.   The weather was a bit wet at the start but she did see some sun towards the end of the ride.  The conditions certainly suited her and she used her knowledge of the Course to come in 3rd Lady and post a PB of 23:24.  It seems every time Nadine enters a 10 she is posting a new PB. 

Also riding this event was Club member Neal Lewis, he was targeting a long 22 in the wet conditions and eventually posted a 23:01.  This seems to complete Neale’s racing season as his target now is to “get fat and unfit over the winter then struggle to lose weight and get fit for May”.  He looks to have used this training programme before.

The third Club member to enter this event was Jeff Rees, leaving home in quite pleasant conditions he arrived in Raglan in the mist and rain.  This would be Jeff’s last TT of the season as he moves to the CX circuit.  His recent rides had been a mix of  roads, CX, MTB and a heavy roller session.  Hoping for a finish between 23:30 and 24 he was a little concerned about the mixed build up, however, they appeared to have made no difference to his riding as he posted a 23:52.  This is his 6th event on this course this season, which have all resulted in times between 23:48 and 23:53.

Two days later and Nadine is racing again, now with the carrot of two weeks in Benidorm in front of her.  This time it was the PTW 25 on the R25/3H Course based at Hirwaun.  Taking advantage of the unusually perfect weather conditions, sunny and very little wind, Nadine posted yet another PB.  In finishing as 4th Lady she finished in 57:01. Nadine’s first three 25’s this season were all just over the hour but as a result of hard work and determination she went under the hour at the end of July and has now posted four sub 1 hour  25’s.

Simon Kinsey really mixed up the distances during September,  after his WCA 100m efforts he dropped the distance down to 30 m.. This was a VTTA(South Wales Group) event on the R30/7 Course, you guessed it, based on Raglan and Abergavenny.  Conditions were ideal, warm with a little wind, and Simon reckoned he could complete in around 75-80 minutes, but quietly hoped to be in the lower part of the range.  Simon’s PB over this distance was 1:29:38 two years ago on a much tougher course, so his expectations were high.  In the end he posted an excellent 1:14:05 to put him the Club Standards range.  Simon would recommend this distance to other members who are regularly competing in 25’s as it is only a small increase and this new course is much quicker than the Bynea course.