Ross Morgan Posts Two PB’s During May

After the WCA Championships, next up for Club members on the following Sunday was the CC Blaenau Gwent 25 on the R25/7a in Raglan. Although the temperature was warming up there were a few spots of rain at the start for some riders. Ross Morgan decided to ride without his Garmin in order to try to improve his pacing during a race.  Knowing the course, he could use his experience from other rides.  This seemed to work out well for him as he posted a 57:57.

Simon Kinsey enjoyed the best racing weather of the year with conditions improving during the race.  The weather helped Simon improve his previous ride by 1m34s to finish with a creditable 1:01:10. Simon knew the up hill start here and to ensure he did not go into the red in the first half mile he warmed up before the event.

Jeff Rees posted a time of 1:02:17

The second round of the Celtic Series was organised by RealTeam on the R10/17 course in Abergavenny.  This Thursday evening event took place on what was the hottest racing day of the year so far and while there was head wind on the return ride a good group of Acme members enjoyed the conditions.

Simon Kinsey is almost taking up residency on this course but was not happy with his 24:30 after what he describes as his poor pacing of the distance.  He is looking for a better effort when he rides the VTTA 10 next week on this course.

While his legs were still aching from his efforts in the CC Blaenau Gwent 25 the previous Sunday Ross Morgan still managed to post a 22:29 and set a new PB by 32s, finishing 32nd out of 76.

Nadine Cannon’s PB didn’t materialise in the hot windless evening conditions but she still managed her best time on this course posting a 24:35 after riding 8 miles from the HQ to the start.  Neale Lewis highlighted the same issue as Nadine suggesting riders allow about 30 minutes from HQ to start.  Nevertheless he enjoyed this event and saw it as a good training ride. Neale posted a 23:28, not bad for a training ride.

Two members returned to the R10/17 course in Raglan for the VTTA 10 on Saturday 14th May. Simon Kinsey was planning to improve his pacing on a warm day with a slight headwind on the outward ride.  His time of 24:26 showed an improvement of 4 secs on the previous Thursday and left him a little happier.  Simon intends putting in some long training rides and a few Club events before the Bynea 10.

Ross Morgan found the ride hard graft and was cold at the start but the temperature rose for him during the ride.  The tail wind home enabled Ross to post another PB 22:17.  To finish off the day Ross enjoyed some quiet sunbathing.

Saturday 15th saw a return to Hirwaun for a group of Acme members, competing in the SportzMad 25 on the R25/3H Course.  Ross Morgan pushed against a headwind out but again used the return tail wind to finish in 55:58. He is now taking a well earned two weeks off from racing.  Chris Woolley is using these events to get some long distance training in, by riding to and from events.  That’s dedication for you.  It seemed to work for him as he posted a season PB of  55:57 on a dry day that “wasn’t blowing a gale”.  Nadine Cannon was still hoping to go under the hour with a comfortable temperature and cool breeze.  Unfortunately she just missed out this time by only 25secs. But still came in as 3rd Lady.  Nadine intends competing in plenty of Club events before her next race.

Acme Wheelers still have members competing in Road Races, on Sunday 22nd Dean Cummings was in action at the LVRC National C/D in Malvern.  While Dean enjoyed the sunny weather, on the day the course route was changed because of road works and Worcester’s “rolling” road included two climbs of 17%.  Dean was disappointed not to achieve his goal of finishing in the bunch.  The very demanding course had attracted some of the top Vets in the country and included some rough roads.  Dean, unfortunately packed in after 40 miles of a 55 mile course and is hoping for better things in the President’s Road Race.

Thursday 26th May saw Ross Morgan make his debut in road racing in the President’s Road Race.  This 40 miler took place in the Resolven area.  The weather was good during the evening and Ross held his position in the first group until seven riders fell in front of him and he lost contact. Though Dean did note that he finished strongly and the experience will have been good for him for future rides.  Dean’s luck was still not in.  During what was a poorly controlled neutralized zone some Vets sneaked off with the first group.  This left Dean having to time trial for an hour to bridge the gap.  He paid for this effort later in the race and packed in during the last lap.

Back to Time Trialing on Saturday as all roads led to Bynea for the 10m TT. This was the 3rd Round of the Celtic Challenge.  As ever Simon Kinsey was on the start line on the R10/4 course in Llandovery.  Simon was hoping to continue with his steady improvement in past weeks. The 10 am start meant that temperatures were rising during the ride with a slight head wind after the turn.  The “dead turn” was difficult at race speed which meant that this course is not one for PB but makes a pleasant change from racing on dual carriageways.  Simon posted a 26:05.   Also riding the event was Jeff Rees who was looking to better his last year’s time by 30 seconds.  Jeff was very disappointed with his effort of 25:57 which was 33secs. slower than last year.  Although it was a tough course on a “slow” surface Jeff also enjoyed the ride off the dual carriageways. After a couple of Club 10’s Simon takes a Club Team to the Giant CC 10 on the U7B course in the Bristol area, where he will be joined by Jeff Rees and Ross Morgan  The team have high hopes of bringing home the

Today I got in my car and typed in the post code for the Blaenau Gwent 25 TT HQ, NP15 2EN, not realising where it was.   When I arrived at the HQ it brought back a flood of memories from the mid 90’s when I was a youngster going to cycling events with my grandfather.

 I remember the place as a kid, but not the name, now I know it is the Old Church Hall Raglan. A lot has changed since then. That is where the Raglan 50 was held and I remember there use to be a big event on that day and Grandpa “Nev” use to take the Acme rollers along and let people have a go.

 I also remember going on the bouncy castle and watching 3 men drinking a pint of beans and a bean bath. They were the fun old days for some of the boys and girls. Unfortunately the ground that I once had fun on and memories of is now a car park (touch of Max Boyce there)  but the school is still there.   I shall always treasure those memories. Good times. 

Many Club members will remember New Yeo for his enthusiasm in everything he did.  Thanks for that Ross

Also I think it was 1995 or 4


The CARTEN100  is a 100+ mile ride from Cardiff to Tenby, over what the organisers describe as “fairly benign” roads.  This year the ride started outside City Hall and finished in Tudor Square before the riders went on to the harbour to collect their finishers T-shirts and eat their free pasta meal.

Acme member Tommy Doherty joined around 2000 riders and was delighted with the beautiful Welsh weather of light cloud, sunshine and an easterly wind at his back. Typical cycling day in Wales.  The Carten100 is known to be a tough ride so Tommy’s priority was to finish safely and was looking for a time of around 6h 30m.

Tommy’s ride did not go exactly to plan when he hit a post alongside a cycle path, fortunately his bike was not damaged but Tommy felt the bump.  His advice for anyone thinking of entering next year is to prepare thoroughly, both physically and mentally.  He found the feed stations less well stocked than he would have expected and was glad he carried his own supply of gels.

While the last 30 miles were “rolling” with some sharp kicks, Tommy still managed to finish in the top 30 with a time of 5h 49m and thoroughly enjoyed his day.  Well done you.

Before Tommy takes on the Wales Velothon he will enjoy a well earned rest back in his native Ireland.  Will the weather be as good as it is in Wales!!

WCA25 Report

The month of May began with a big event, the WCA 25ml Championships had 240 entrants in two events on the R25/3H Course.  Seven of the starters were Acme Wheelers members, so the Club was well represented. 

Nadine Cannon went off at 10:26 in the Women’s Event. Looking to build on previous good form and go under the hour again, the wet and windy conditions encountered meant she was pleased with her time of 1:00:51.  Nadine’s time gave her 5th place in the Women’s Event (probably 3rd Welsh rider) so well done to her.

Our men had mixed fortunes, all of them feeling the effects of the wet and windy conditions yet all going under the hour. Neale Lewisposted a 59.07.   Simon Kinsey was hoping togo under 59 minutes but the conditions combined with him losing a bit of concentration left him a little disappointed with his time of 59:25.  Anthony Redman’s goal was to ride an even paced event and ultimately he was quite content with his time of 57:07.  Chris Woolley continues his good form, but longs for some dry, wind free racing.  Good luck with that Chris !!  Chris was happy with his time of 56:40 and has his sights set on setting a PB on a 100ml course.

Ross Morgan was celebrating on Sunday night after posting a PB of 55:58 on the day.  In the wet and windy conditions he was rightly very happy with this creditable performance.  1:19 separated Ross from the new Club 25 Champion, Gary Flower who finished with a 54:39.  Our new champion’s goal for the day was to improve on his last year’s performance and compete for the Club Champion’s title.  Concentrating on an even paced ride and not to become distracted by the pace of other riders, Gary was very pleased with his day’s efforts. His future goals include entering triathlons as well as continuing with the TT races.  The Club wishes him and all our racers well with their efforts in the future.

Early Season Reports

April has not been as busy for racers as March because Easter was early and two Sundays were left empty.  The month started with our own Open 25 which went very well thanks to the efforts of those members who gave up their time to ensure its success.  There were 110 entrants but around 15 did not start on the day.  Still the best entry we have had for a few years now.

A number of Acme Riders entered the race and several have sent in a report about their race on the day.  Simon Kinsey was hurting on the way back into quite a stiff wind and he advises others to keep their head up and watch the road because unfortunately he DNF after hitting a pothole and puncturing in both wheels.  Anthony Redman and Ross Morgan had better fortunes, both going under the hour. 

Ross was reasonably happy with his finishing time of  59:10 after having no specific goal for the day.  Anthony had mixed feelings about his time of 59:15. Anthony advises others to sort out their gears before the race.  Seems like he forgot to follow his own advise.  This was Anthony’s first start of the season so it suggests he will improve as the season progresses.

Next up for Acme members was the Bynea 30 on the R30 Llanwrda to Carmarthen road.  Conditions were cold but with no wind.  Chris Wooley enjoys this testing course because of its quiet roads and well run event.  He was looking for a PB and was quite satisfied with 1:12:47.  Congratulations to Chris on becoming the Club 30ml Champion for 2016.     Gary Flower also entered and finished with a time of  1:13:39.

April 24th saw the OVW 25 on the R25/3H Course run in dry conditions but riders had to contend with a head wind after the turn.  Simon Kinsey was looking to go under the hour for the first time on this course so must have been pleased with his time of  59:28. Simon noticed that the pothole is still there and will be looking out for it when he returns for the WCA 25.  Ross Morgan continues to improve and posted a PB of 57:01.  Quite an achievement in the windy conditions.

Other Club  Members who entered included  Nadine Cannon, Jeff Rees, Anthony Redman and Chris Wooley.

Acme will be well represented at the WCA 25  on the R25/3H  Course, hopefully we will have a report from all of them.  Good luck to all our members on the day which is also our Club 25 Championship event.