9th October

A personal account from Jeff Rees from Round 2 of the Welsh Cyclo Cross Series.

130 riders lined up for the Amman Valley Cross‏. The start was 2 laps of a horse trotting/speedway track. I flew around there but then when we hit the first grassy climb my legs went. I can’t pace myself at all off the start I get carried away lol. The course had a bit of everything, grassy climbs, muddy section, twisty single track, through trees, a rocky path, a scary drop off, the horse track and a tricky small bank which the skilful riders could ride up but lots couldn’t (thank God I could ride over it as I dread to think what would happen if I had to run) . Tom rode really well ; the mtb is a big disadvantage at the starts as they are so fast, it must have taken him about a 3rd of the race before he passed me as you lose so much time getting caught deep in the field early on. He flew past me but did give me a shout and was mixing it up with some experienced cross riders. There’s talk of him getting a cross bike, look out when it happens.

I got up to 175bpm on my heart rate monitor and. averaged 166bpm for whole race so it’s no wonder I’m shattered after the race. The finish was classic. I was sprinting to the line against some Forza rider and just as I got ahead of him Ffion Jones the 18yr old junior female national champion passed us both lol. Tom’s position was 28th a great result and I was 41st out of the 130 starters. I hope to see more riders from the club as the series continues and especially for the Championship in Brecon on 26th October.

On Wednesday 8th October the first winter training session took place at the clubroom. The riders, using turbo trainers and rollers followed a programme aimed at improving pedalling technique and strength. The sessions will run throughout the winter and develop various elements of training. Advice on planning your racing programme will be available and Carl Banwell will demonstrate those all-important stretches to improve flexibility. Participants meet from 6.30 for a 7 pm start. Sessions last approximately one hour and a small fee of £3 per session is charged. Bring your own turbo-trainer, drink and towel !

30th September

Three Club Championships have been fought for in recent weeks. The Welsh 12 hour Championship field contained only one Acme rider this year, Simon Kinsey, who in his first attempt managed to finish the toughest of his challenges with a total of 186.57 miles. This not only made him the Acme 12 hour Champion but also our Best All-rounder Champion for 2014.

The Welsh 50 mile Championship came so late in the season that ever-keen Simon was our only male contestant. He added our 50 mile title to his wins when he finished in 2-26-04, several minutes off his best in 58th place but was closely challenged by our veteran lady contestant, Fiona Davies, who finished just one place behind him in 2-26-59. Fiona was very pleased with her time which improved her personal best by 4 minutes 15 seconds. She is now keen to improve her aerobic endurance further during the winter with the intention of competing in an Ironman [ woman?] event next season.

Our Hillclimb Championship [21st September] was held on Barn Hill this year to separate it from the hillclimb series held on the Bwlch and present a different challenge. On a warm, bright morning everyone was really pleased to see the smiling face of Gwyn Humphreys back in his accustomed place as finish timekeeper. Series winner, Tom Stoddart, was unable to test himself on the short course because he was riding his first ever cyclo-cross race that morning but there was still a good fight for the title with nine riders sent off by Margaret and Roger Evans who would later present their donated trophy to the winner. While some were grateful for their low gears and pleased to see the top of the climb everyone gave of their best. The more serious contenders for the title, however, announced their arrival with out-of-the-saddle efforts accompanied by many gasps as they fought their way through the dense shade to the bright sunshine at the top.

Winner of the title was Dan Taylor in a fast 2 minutes 10 seconds which included a long flat stretch to the finish line situated well beyond the hill to allow riders and supporters to gather in safety. Second place was taken by Steve Williams in 2-27 with Carl Banwell taking an unexpected third place in 2-34 to remind everyone he will be back in competition next season. Carl pushed a disappointed Ross Morgan off the podium by just four seconds but Ross gave it his all and thought he might collapse from his effort near the top. Gerald Stevens proved he can still power up the climbs with his time of 2-43 while Simon Kinsey surprised a few with his 6th place in 2-57. Following his son’s win in the hillclimb series, Kevin Stoddart had to try and follow his example and finished in a creditable 3-06, just beating Kerry Lewis by two seconds. Young Alec Morris proved the effectiveness of his new cleats and shoes when climbing, making a great effort in front of his family to cross the line in 3-30.

Two Acme riders lined up in a bunch of 140 to make a start in the first Cyclo-Cross of the 2014/15 winter season. In unusually mild conditions riders were in for a fast race on the Llantarnam Leisure Centre course near Cwmbran. Tom Stoddard, a very talented Mountain Bike rider was riding his first cyclo-cross race for the club and following a number of training sessions with past Welsh Cyclo-Cross Champion Jeff Rees the two would make good progress in the race.

The 10 mile course started with 2 laps of a football pitch and 140 riders trying to gain position was a spectacular sight as they raced to get onto a narrowing course to complete the numerous laps. Undulating grass fields with a zig-zags up and down grass banks and 3 sections of single track through trees was the nature of the fast course.

With Jeff’s past experience he started well in the mayhem with Tom lying midfield and both quickly got into a good rhythm, passing riders as the race unfolded. Unfortunately Tom had a bit of bad luck when a piece of marshalling tape got caught in his back wheel and delayed his progress, but quickly regained his position close to Jeff where both finished in the first 40 riders.

Jeff and Tom both enjoyed their first race and will definitely be back for more although the conditions are sure to get a lot muddier and colder as the season progresses in one of the toughest forms of cycle racing. The Club Cyclo-Cross Championship will be decided in a single race this year so it will be interesting to see who comes out on top.

18th September

Congratulations to Tom Stoddart who has become a double club champion in his first season of competition. Tom won all seven rounds of the Hillclimb Series to finish with a total of 140 points. Second place was claimed by Ross Morgan (111 points). Third place was claimed by Rory Jenkins (98 points) after a close fought battle with veteran rider Kerry Lewis (91 points).

This seasons 5 Mile TT Series unfortunately fell victim to road works on the course(twice) and an evening of torrential rain. This meant that the title was decided on the four events that took place. Once again Tom Stoddart proved consistently strong to take the title with 72 points. In second place was Simon Kinsey (62 points) with Ross Morgan gaining his second podium place of the year in third place (48 points). The full tables are shown below and include our newest member, Nadine Cannon who signed her membership form at one of our hillclimbs and competed just minutes later. Nadine is keen to compete in open competitions next season so if she links up with Fiona we could have a ladies 2-up team next year !

Hill Climb Series Points 5 Mile TT Series Points
Tom Stoddart 140 Tom Stoddart 72
Ross Morgan 111 Simon Kinsey 62
Rory Jenkins 98 Ross Morgan 48
Kerry Lewis 91 Alec Morris 41
Simon Kinsey 72 Neale Lewis 39
Alec Morris 59 Steve Williams 37
Steve Williams 37 Kevin Millard 35
Kevin Bartlemore 35 Kevin Stoddart 28
Dean Cummings 34 Rory Jenkins 27
Kevin Millard 33 Neil Mousdale 20
Andrew Sheldon 23 Steve Bennett 20
Neale Lewis 19 Kevin Bartlemore 20
Dai Long 18 Kevin Millard 19
Neil Mousdale 18 Jeff Rees 17
Jeff Rees 17 Dean Cummings 16
Ryan Evans 17 Ryan Evans 16
Kyle Adams 15 Adrian Price 13
Nadine Cannon 14 Fiona Davies 11
Andrew Sheldon 10

19th August

Although we are still in August the weather seems more like autumn and the racing season is drawing to a close unless you intend riding cyclo-cross. In his last 25 of the year, Dai Long went under the hour again, another PB in a time of 59.00 in the Cwmcarn Paragon event. Jeff Rees also made another of his regular improvements, recording 1.03.54.

The WCA 100 miles Championship was decimated by the weather [and the forecast] with 39 DNS and 7 DNF. Only three Acme riders had entered and with Kevin Bartlemore unable to ride because of changes to his shift pattern that left just Gary Flower and Simon Kinsey to challenge for our club championship. Gary did an excellent ride to become our 100 mile Champion with his 4-27-14 which placed him 12th overall. Simon finished in a disappointing [for him] 5.15.00 and his personal story of a gutsy ride is reproduced below.

Ten Acme riders entered the WCA 10 mile Championship with eight starters eventually competing for our club championship. Simon Kinsey recorded 27.46,Jeff Rees 25.04, Steve Williams 24.19, Dai Long 24.09, Kevin Bartlemore 23.23, Neale Lewis 23.04 and Dan Taylor becoming our 10 mile Champion with his 22.46.

THE WCA100, 2014

In the sport of Formula One the teams do their development and testing away from the racetrack, then come to the races in an informed position regarding equipment reliability. They don’t do their testing on race day. As an avid fan of F1, I’d have done well to remember this in the days leading up to the 2014 WCA 100-mile event.

I approached the event with a target of beating the 5-hour mark. The arithmetic for this works out very conveniently: 100 miles in 300 minutes; 3 minutes per mile; 20 miles per hour. I’d ridden 100 miles [and more] before this event. I’d ridden for longer than five hours. I’d ridden faster than 20 mph. Reaching my goal would require putting all these things together and, while I knew it would be tough, I reckoned I had a decent chance.

On the TT internet forum all the pre-race chatter focused on the impact of Hurricane Bertha–it was clear that the R100/8 course would lie squarely in its path. For the elite TT riders, of course,the weather is a massive factor in determining their performance on the day.

But I have limitations more significant than a drop of rain

, so the pre-race forecast wasn’t going to faze me. That said, as more and more people announced that they were withdrawing I did wonder if the event would even go ahead.

And so to race day. The 4:30am alarm, the trip to another unfamiliar part of Gwent [there have been a few of them this year], the heavy rain. All exactly as expected. But a lost key meant that a large crowd was assembled outside the HQ, unable to get into the building.

Some had been waiting for more than an hour. Finally we able to get in and sign on. For the early starters this meant a mad dash to get to the start on time — the start sheet had indicated a twenty minute trip, so this was going to be a challenge. For me at number 29 there was less pressure but still no time to waste.

That’s when things started to go wrong. Reaching for the bike from the back of the car, I heard a suspicious hissing sound. Sure enough, the rear tyre was soft. I removed the wheel and was all set to change the tube but was relieved to find that the valve was slightly loose. Perhaps there wasn’t a puncture. Time to decide. Spend time changing the tube, or just inflate the tyre and hope for the best. I went for the latter and set off for the start, not sure if I’d made the right call. If I was wrong, it was going to be a DNS for me.

And then there was the question of the start itself. I didn’t know where it was but had counted on being able to just follow the crowd. But I hadn’t counted on there being so many withdrawals — there was no-one to follow, no-one to ask. My start time was now only thirteen minutes away. I had to rush, but which way? Again I had to guess and again I got lucky. I found the start point just as they were calling “DNS” for number 28. I’d made it with less than a minute to spare. My pre-race warm-ups haven’t been very good this year, but this was something else!

Three-two-one-go. A couple of miles through some country lanes before joining the dual carriageway and settling into three laps of the roundabouts between Abergavenny, Raglan and Monmouth. The rain was heavy and the visibility was quite poor at times. Unfortunately in my haste to get to the start I hadn’t managed to get my lights strapped onto the bike. I had them with me, but they were not much use in my back pockets! But for all the rain, spray and noise the conditions were quite calm. There were the occasional gusts but in general there was very little wind.

Things started quite well. I was averaging three-minute miles without stretching myself and reached the Monmouth tunnels feeling reasonably in control. It was impossible to know if I could carry this to the end, but that was the scenario I’d had from the outset. So I made the first turnaround with about 20 miles on the clock, thinking that things were about as good as they could be.

But as I approached the end of the first lap, there was a new challenge to overcome. One of those occasional gusts pushed me sideways into the hard shoulder. No real drama in that, but on moving back out into the carriageway my tyre lost grip as crossed the white line. I was on the ground in a flash, falling onto my right side and skidding a short distance. I was aware of a car passing me in the near lane but I don’t think there was any danger of it hitting me. Cuts, bumps, bruises, embarrassment. They were all in the mix. But the prime concern was the bike — twisting parts and a derailed, jammed chain. I lost about two minutes in that incident and more in the next few miles. But I was grateful to the riders who passed me and asked if I was OK, and gradually I managed to pick up speed and feel that the target was still in reach.

That was still the case midway through the second lap with fifty miles on the clock. I’d managed to eat and drink regularly until now, even though I hadn’t wanted to. But then I dropped my last [and full] drinks bottle. I should have stopped to retrieve it. Up until now all my drama had come from bad luck. This though was a major mistake. I left the bottle on the road, deciding that it was worth the risk as I felt OK at that point.

The next thirty miles were uneventful. I’d maintained my target pace and the 11 o’clock lightning storm just added to the already surreal feeling of the whole event. There had been discomfort in my lower back but I’d coped with that in the past. As I exited the tunnel for the third and final time, there were about twenty miles remaining. I was on pace, just, but it going to be close. Then the back pain become too strong to ignore.

I had to give up my aero position as it was impossible to maintain. I knew this would be a major setback, but there was no other option. Inevitably my pace slowed. I tried the aero bars again, but that just reinforced the message — forget it. So after a few miles in an upright position I’d fallen a couple of minutes behind pace. It doesn’t sound a lot, but when you’re slowing down there’s no prospect of being able to claw it back. There are about 15 miles to go and I knew that the five hour target has gone. So the revised target was

five hours and five minutes for the Acme bronze standard. That

might be


. I’d need to stop the decline in pace though.

But things got worse in a hurry. By the time I’d reached 88 miles the back pain was debilitating. There was no position on the bike that would relieve it, no way to ride at anything resembling race pace [even by my lowly standards]. Now the only remaining target was to finish. Those last twelve miles were the worst I’ve ever endured on a bike. I’d felt pain in my martial arts career [a detached retina is not pleasant], but nothing like this. I’d felt pain in previous TT events — that’s part of the deal — but, again, nothing like this. In the shorter TT events there was always a choice — ease back and the pain immediately disappears. But in this situation even that didn’t work. It wasn’t the pace that was the problem, it was just being on the bike.

When I crossed the line there was no real sense of achievement. I’d failed in my personal goal and was in excruciating pain. Then I remembered — I’d finished the event, but I was still a few miles from the HQ! There was no way I could ride another yard. But I couldn’t get off the bike either — my back wouldn’t straighten! At least the pain meant that I was unable to feel any embarrassment! And the good thing about being one of the last people on the road is that you don’t have to wait very long for the broom wagon to come around. I grabbed a lift back to HQ, had a hot shower there and slowly started to feel better.

Of 26 finishers, I was placed 25th. But at least I’d finished. There’s some sense of achievement in that now. Seventy two had entered, but only 33 had started. By my participation in TTs is not about racing others — I’m not in their league, but can still “win” by achieving personal targets. I’d missed out on this one, but learned some important lessons in the process — albeit some very hard ones.

Did I mention my finish time? Five hours, fifteen minutes. I’d lost fifteen minutes in the last fifteen miles. But, back to those lessons:

  1. In cycling, as in F1, you need to push things beyond the breaking point in order to know where it is.
  2. The TT community is a very supportive one. I’m grateful to dozens of people who supported and encouraged me throughout the day. It seems that most people share my outlook — they’re competing against their own targets, not against you, and there’s practical and moral support in abundance.
  3. The Acme racing standards don’t come easily, and ability at one distance doesn’t automatically translate to others.
  4. There’s a world of difference between riding and racing!
  5. There’s more to endurance racing than just fitness. I have enormous room for improvement in my fitness, but ultimately that wasn’t my downfall on the day. For me it was a lack of flexibility and strength in my back. In the longer events, every aspect of your cycling will be tested and if you have a weakness it will be exposed.

Whilst this race report has been something of a personal story, I hope others might glean some useful information from it. Maybe benefit from the lessons I’ve learned.


19th July

This week the club as a whole received this card with the following message.

” To the members of Acme Cycle Club.

With just under a week before I leave for Glasgow, I have been thinking back over all the years of training I have done.

Acme were the first cycle club I joined at the age of 16. Going out on 60/70 mile rides on a Sunday was the highlight of my week. I loved it !

I wanted to thank you for your patience, the pushes up Llantrisant bypass and the mars bars you gave me when I blew !

I am really grateful for your help and encouragement which has helped me to reach a level in sport that I am so proud of. The Commonwealth Games is like a dream come true for me and it is thanks to ACME that I am going.

Keep up the good work. I hope you continue to help youngsters to take up and enjoy cycling.

Thanks again

Carol Bridge.

Carol , from Llwynypia, will be representing Wales as a member of the Triathlon team. As a young club member she had to fit her cycling around swimming training, running and school work so had to be very dedicated and ambitious. She went on to spend some time in France where she was a member of a triathlon team and has been an elite triathlete for years, winning the female section of the Outlaw half ironman distance triathlon at Nottingham in 2013. It consisted of a 1.2 mile swim followed by a 56 mile bike section with a 13.1 mile run to the finish. This year she almost did it again when she finished in second place.

All our members will be cheering for her during the Games, not the least of them being Gwyn Humphreys who celebrates his 80th Birthday on Friday and will no doubt be remembering his own participation in the Commonwealth Games as a track pursuiter in his younger days.

In today’s 10 mile TT at Abergavenny, Dan Taylor was the fastest Acme rider, beating our club gold standard with his 21.33 ride. Kevin Bartlemore, finishing in 22.59 was strongly challenged by Dai Long who recorded apersonal best 23.01. Simon Kinsey, 25.27 finished within 30 seconds of Jeff Rees who pulled out all the stops to surprise with his time of 25.02, wishing he had gone just three seconds faster !

Meanwhile, the Acme colours are being displayed in North Wales where Dave Nelson, now back at home near Wrexham, took the opportunity to ride the climb of the Horseshoe Pass above Llangollen.He is pictured at the top where the blue sign refers to the descent behind him, not the climb just completed which is used in a well-known mountain time-trial. Unfortunately he didn’t have an Acme flag to plant at the summit and rename it Mount Acme.