British Masters Road Race

Before his training camp in Mallorca, Dean Cummings travelled to Worcestershire to compete in his second road race of the season.  The Echelon Cycles – Percy Stallard RR (British Masters) took place on the Welland course in the Malvern Hills, 3 circuits of a 16 mile course with 49 miles total distance. As with much of our Spring the temperature was cool but it was sunny with a light breeze.

The start was largely steady with a couple of early attacks, a rider from Nottingham riding of the front with no organised chase.  Most riders were keeping a close eye on former pro-rider Mike Twelves, every move he made was quickly jumped upon by the pack.  The peleton were still  in a bunch at the end of Lap 1.

Further attacks of the front caused the peleton to string out towards the end of Lap 2, working hard Dean managed to stay with the main group as the peleton all crossed the line together.  Keen not to be caught out by a surprise break Dean maintained a position at around 6th in the pack for the final Lap.  A second rider took a chance and broke away on a lone chase and with 7 miles to go the leading rider had over 3 minutes on the bunch. Sitting in 6th or 7th position on the last left hand bend Dean maintained his spot, but with a sprint looming for 3rd position on the long straight drag on Castlemorton Common the pace increased to a full gas race to the line.

With thoughts of his Mallorca training camp coming up, Dean was wary of the dangers of the sprint and eased of with 20 metres to go. This was a well organised event eventually won by most people’s favourite Mike Twelves.  Dean finished just seconds behind the bunch in a time of 2hrs 04mins for the 49 miles, an average speed of 24mph.

Ryan Evans Completes Some Early Season TT’s

Newly returned member Ryan Evans got his season off to an early start, entering the Cardiff 100 Milers organised 15 mile event on the R15/5 course between Abergavenny and Raglan. Ryan finished in 10th place with a time of 39.02 and an average speed of 23mph

Ryan’s second start was in the Bynea CC 10m TT in early March on the R10/22A Course on the A465 starting at Resolven and going to Aberdulais before returning back along the A465 to the finish.  On a cold day Ryan’s goal was to get home in under 25 minutes which he just about achieved with a time of 24:59.  Averaging 24mph Ryan finished 39th overall, he said “ I am more than happy with this result considering my season goals are triathlons”.

Well done Ryan, great to have you back with Acme Wheelers.

Pinvin Potholes and Mud

Sunday March 26th was the first road race of Dean Cummings’  British Masters season. The Pinvin Road Race, in Worcestershire, was sponsored by CASP Performance Clothing and Dean was competing in the E Cat (60-64), 6 laps of an 8 miles circuit.

It was a cruel day for all the riders, 6 degrees, cold Northerly wind and rain. Despite the riders having  to contend with  wet country roads, potholes, mud and gravel the race set off at brisk pace.

 At the end of Lap 1, despite numerous attacks from the front of the bunch, the riders remained together. During  Lap 2 a Bath CC rider drifted off the front and created a considerable gap for the others to chase down. The next 4 laps were a mix of attacks and chases as the Bunch negotiated wet roads and the stiff headwind. Riders were more or less flat out on the last lap and a strong early attack on a rise before the climb split the bunch. It was a chase all the way to the line to the Race finish.

Rob Pears, Bath CC went onto win with a clear 7 minute gap. Dean’s verdict on the day “ It was a superb ride in the tough conditions”. In a very good field of riders Dean finished 17th in his Category.

Gareth Welcomed back to the ACME

Returning home after a long period working in the Far East we are pleased to welcome Gareth Clements back into membership of the Club. As a former junior Welsh international, Gareth will be a great asset to the Club and we wait to see if he decides to become involved in competitive riding again.  Either way Gareth’s experience will be eagerly anticipated on Club Runs.

By re-joining Acme Wheelers,  Gareth continues the long association between the Club and the Clements family going back to his grandfather Joe.

Ryan Evans returns to Acme Wheelers

The Club are delighted that former member Ryan Evans has re-joined the Club after several years with the Rhondda Tri Club.  Fireman Ryan has been a very successful time triallist riding in Acme colours and achieved Welsh Champion status on two occasions.

In 2005 the Rhondda Fach product was part of the three man Acme team who won the Welsh BAR Team Championship.  This led them to receive the Rhondda Sports Personality  Team Award at the 2006 presentation at the Rhondda Sports Centre.

Boosted by the addition of Carl Banwell, our current Treasurer, 2006 was an even more successful year.  The Team won the Welsh 100ml Team Championship, Welsh 12hr Team Championship and the Welsh BAR Team Championship.

At the Welsh 12hr Championship Carl achieved a notable 2nd place with 258mls overall with Ryan coming in 4th with 257.75mls.

Welcome back Ryan we look forward to reading your TT and Triathlon results on the coming year.