Dean’s Best Start to a Season

The first race report of the season has been sent in by Committee Member, Dean Cummings from his first road race of the season.  At the end of March Dean made a familiar trip to Pinvin in Worcestershire for the LVRC Pinvin Road Race, a 48 mile race consisting of 6 laps of 8 miles on the rolling country roads of the English county.  The race set of at a quick pace and two riders soon established a gap of 30 or 40 seconds.  The 30 plus riders in the peleton began to work together, led largely by eight riders, including retired police officer Dean, riding through and off to close the gap.

On the 3rd lap the gap was closed and for a short time the race was together. Very soon, however, 3 riders attacked and held a 5 second gap, this group increased to 7 on lap 4 with the bunch chasing hard. Dean worked with four others to pull the main group along and keep the gap at 15 seconds.  This hard work soon took its toll and by the end of lap 5 the chasing group became a little ragged and the breakaway extended their lead..

With the last lap looming the chasing group were held up by a tractor, and by the time they reorganised the momentum had been lost.  The 7 breakaway riders split on the last lap and the race was won by Cardiff’s Courtney Rowe, the other leaders crossed a few seconds later followed by the main bunch. 

Dean was very pleased with his efforts, feeling that this was his strongest performance in the first race of the season. He had raced for a little over 2 hours and averaged 24mph.  He was probably helped by the cool bright conditions, an improvement upon his cold and wet winter training rides.  Dean now looks forward to his next trip up to the Midlands with real confidence, to compete in the Enville RR in the middle of May.

Young Member Alec Morris Competes on the Maendy Track

Luke Rowe and Dani King began a series of track events during 2016 to encourage Vets and 2/3/4 Cat riders to race on the track.  The events are largely based on Maendy Track, and were successful last year so have continued this year.  Young member Alec Morris has taken part in several of these events this year as a 4th Cat. Entrants ride road bikes and ride in groups as an introduction to open road racing.

Alec has so far entered Rounds 12 to 15 and is learning a little more each time. His first race was a 25 minute event run in cool conditions under the Maendy floodlights.  Being his first start racing in a bunch, and on a banked circuit Alex had no idea what to expect but he was intent on enjoying the experience and to try and be competitive.   He certainly was competitive, finding himself leading the bunch chasing the lone leader with no one willing to give him help.  Having done all the work the bunch passed him on the final bend, though the Pengraig lad was happy that he had ridden strongly and was pleased with the feedback he received from other riders and the organisers.

Alec’s next event was affected by wet and windy conditions and only three riders entered the 4th Cat Event.  Initially they all rode together, but sensing an opportunity Alec took off with two laps to go. Feeling the others were on his wheel, he gave it everything he had and won the event only to look back and see the competition half a lap behind him.  Alec believes that this is the fastest he has ever ridden.  Round 13 was lucky for Alec.

On to Round 14 with his confidence boosted  Alec had to contend with ten entrants in the event.  They rode in a bunch with all riders taking their turn at the front and very little attacking.  Then came the bell and the pace picked up, making the mistake of going too high on the first bank Alec found himself towards the back end of the group on the back straight.  Determined to place he picked up the pace and passed most of the other riders in the final straight to finish a very creditable third.  Hungry for this type of racing he was now looking for points towards becoming a 3rd Cat.

Round 15 and Alec was determined to pick up enough points to enter the 3rd Cat races.   Eight riders tonight and a decent pace was set with most riders taking a turn on the front.  Two thirds of the way around three riders dropped out of the back, Alec remained in the group and kept up the speed.  With the experience of the previous events  he felt strong with two laps remaining so decided to go for it.  He managed to build a gap and one rider dropped off the back.  With two riders in pursuit of him at the bell Alec still felt strong and was determined to maintain his lead.  Despite some pressure in the home straight he managed to fight off the challenge to gain first place giving him the points he needed to enter the 3rd Cat events.

News From the Road

The Club’s evergreen “roadie” Dean Cummings has been busy again this season with four starts already under his belt.  In March it was off to Malvern in Worcestershire for the Pinvin LVRC Road Race, this 46.5 mile race was made up of 7 laps of a 6.5 mile circuit.  The course was undulating with one longer clamb around 500 metres long.  Dean felt he was riding well but became boxed in on the last climb and lost contact with the bunch.  In cool, breezy conditions he finished just behind the main bunch with his aims of finishing and gaining race fitness met.

Early April saw Dean returning to Worcestershire for the Echelon Cycles LVRC RR, this time three laps of a 16 mile circuit on a rolling course. Feeling strong, in the pleasantly warm conditions, Dean was able to cover all the attacks and small breaks and was in the sprint at the finish.  He lost a bit of ground in the last 40 to 50 mts but was pleased with his overall 16th place.

The following week Dean had a shorter trip for the Abergavenny Handicap RR, three laps of a 15 miles on the old Handicap Circuit.  A strong field had been assembled meaning the race was run at a fast pace, made more difficult with the cross winds on the Abergavenny to Raglan course.  Dean was keen to finish the event but after being dropped as the bunch was sliced apart by the cross winds he, unfortunately, packed after two laps. 

Keen to improve his performances later in the season Dean took off to Mallorca on the South Wales Police warm weather training camp, accompanied by former member Hywel Morgan.  In five and a half days they covered  480 miles (770Km)  and a massive 29000ft (8800mts) of climbing. During the week the Mallorca 312 Sportif was taking place and Hywel and Dean took the opportunity to ride on the closed roads, but maybe without officially entering. Another former member Dai Long was spotted on the way, he had entered the event.  Dean recommends this week to other members with the weather quite pleasant, though a little cool.  The one day of rain felt more like Maerdy than Mallorca.  Dean’s aim of getting in some quality miles in warm sunshine was more or less met.  Lucky him.

To test out the effect of his training week it meant another trip tp Worcestershire’s Little Wittle.  The was a tough course of four 12 mile circuits on hilly, winding difficult roads, with one  mile long climb being negotiated five times.  After riding well in the strong field Dean lost contact on the third climb, but event though he was feeling the Mallorca miles in his legs he managed to get back into a group and finished just over a minute behind the bunch

Welsh Championship 25TT April 30th R25/3H

The following weekend it was back up to Hirwaun for the WCA Championships on the R25/3H which also serves as the Club 25m Championship.  Four members had entered a big field but only two left the start line with Simon Kinsey and Anthony Redmond both, unfortunately, having to withdraw.  First off was Jeff Rees on a new bike with new tri-bars, ever the pessimist Jeff told Club members, who had ridden over to offer support, that he was concerned that he was in the main field. Another member feeling that recent training had not been enough for this event, Jeff did not have great expectations. Although often seen out on his road bike, Jeff would have us believe that his recent training consisted of riding MTB and trundling up the Taff Trail.  In his first 25 of the season Jeff finished in a time of 1:03:35, a good start to the season but Jeff points out he was 1 from last which reflects the high standard of the field.

Our 30 Mile Champion Gary Flower was looking for his second Club Championship of the year on a cold and windy day.  Gary was hoping to get into the 53’s but soon realised it was not a day for PB’s.  Pacing was difficult on the day with a following wind out and a blustery headwind on the return leg.  In the end Gary posted a 54:16 and was quite pleased with this for his first 25 start of the season and hopes to improve in the near future with more favourable weather.  Gary was pleased to see support from Club members on the course.

Congratulations to Gary on becoming the Club 25 Champion for 2017 and taking the Ken Harrison Challenge Trophy.

April Race Reports

Picking up from last season we are grateful to racing members for their cooperation in completing the race reports in order that these more detailed reports can be compiled.  All members are encouraged to submit a report when they take part in an event whether it be an Open/Club TT , a Sportif or Charity Ride, members and visitors to the site are interested to read what we are up to.

The Ogmore Valley Wheelers Open 25 on 23rd April was ridden on the often used and fast R25/3H Course, it is a second home to many of our racing members.  Trying to work his way back from knee problems Simon Kinsey has no serious expectations for this event, using it as a training ride.  Even so he finished in a creditable 1:02:14,  just over 4 minutes off his P.B. after an injury disrupted  pre-season training plan.  Missing out on his usual pre-season programme Simon did not leave enough in his tank for the final three miles and paid the price.  He intends now to enter two events each week and use these are training in this first part of the season.

Another member suffering from disrupted training is Anthony Redmond. No need to  guess what has contributed to this disruption when we see him on the Welsh news fighting the grass fires earlier this month and in March.  By the time Anthony hit the course the wind had picked up and although it was mild the wind was gusty which will always cause riders a problem.  Anthony was a little disappointed with his 59.06, which he put down to the lack of training.  The “sidewinders” going down the Glynneath Bank were an unwelcome difficulty on Anthony’s return to racing this season.